If you use cannabis edibles, Winnipeg police have a simple message for you — don’t drive high.An impaired-driving enforcement campaign currently underway aims to both educate and promote safe driving practices for those who use cannabis.Cannabis-impaired driving is the second-highest contributor to impaired driving offences in Manitoba after alcohol, according to Patrol Sgt. Stephane Fontaine, who is the impaired driving countermeasures co-ordinator with Winnipeg Police Service.Edibles are a par

If you use cannabis edibles, Winnipeg police have a simple message for you — don’t drive high.An impaired-driving enforcement campaign currently underway aims to both educate and promote safe driving practices for those who use cannabis.Cannabis-impaired driving is the second-highest contributor to impaired driving offences in Manitoba after alcohol, according to Patrol Sgt. Stephane Fontaine, who is the impaired driving countermeasures co-ordinator with Winnipeg Police Service.Edibles are a par  Read More  


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